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Working couples lost an average of 22 hours a week of family time between 1969–1996.... posted on Feb 23 2002, 769 reads


Worth magazine rates 100 best charities:... posted on Feb 22 2002, 653 reads


In U.S., volunteers in formal organizations averaged just over 24 hours per month of donated time. This totaled an estimated 83.9 million adults giving approximately 15.5 billion hours in 2000, the equivalent of over 9 million full-time employees at a value of $239 billion. ... posted on Feb 21 2002, 409 reads


Wouldn't it be incredible if, in addition to reading, writing, and arithmetic, our schools offered classes about making peace? Boston-based Peace Games partners with schools to do just that.... posted on Feb 20 2002, 512 reads


Independent studies show that children who learn piano tend to do better in school. This is attributed to the discipline, eye-hand coordination, social skills building, learning a new language (music) and the pleasure derived from making your own music.... posted on Feb 19 2002, 458 reads


... posted on Feb 18 2002, 490 reads


... posted on Feb 17 2002, 491 reads


You can register to send an email to your loved ones after you pass away:... posted on Feb 16 2002, 738 reads


Nancy McGirr covered the Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador wars for over eight years. After leaving Reuters she moved to Guatemala to work for a magazine agency. One assignment, to cover a story on the city's garbage dump, led to a chance meeting with two nuns running a literacy class of 5 children from the city dump. After a series of meetings Nancy was asked to continue their education and t... posted on Feb 15 2002, 2,118 reads


Few astronomical sights excite the imagination like the nearby stellar nursery known as the Orion Nebula. The Nebula's glowing gas surrounds hot young stars at the edge of an immense interstellar molecular cloud only 1500 light-years away. Here's an amazing photo of this natural phenomenon.... posted on Feb 14 2002, 470 reads


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Sarah Addison Allen

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